Monday, June 1, 2020

Florida Here I Come????

Back in the beginning of 2015 we, as a family,  decided we wanted to rent a beach house and go to Florida for a week. I wasn’t seeing any real hope of a transplant happening in the near future, so we booked a place for the spring of 2016. It would be a good change of scenery for me and the beach is the best place for me to rest.  I was really looking forward to this... a lot. Spending a week on the beach with my husband, kids and grandkids? Heaven!! Well, then it happened. They found a kidney match in January of 2016 and I had to face the reality that this precious Florida trip might not be happening, at least not with me. I went over every little scenario in my mInd. Then I tried to convince the doctors it would be ok. As time passed, God gave me a gift. The transplant coordinator said I could go for a week. Just had to get my blood work before I go, and as soon as I got back. Plus there is a Mayo Clinic close to where we were, in case anything came up. I was so grateful. I hadn’t been out much to that point, so this just seemed amazing//scary! When it came right down to it, mostly scary. I fought to get the permission to go, then spent my days fretting about everything! What was I was going to eat?   Could I eat at a restaurant on the way down? Was I going to get to ever go out to eat at all with my family, or was I going to have to pack all my own meals? Also the transplant coordinator made it very clear I couldn’t be barefoot on the beach because of the bacteria in the sand. I could however, be in the ocean barefoot. Hmmm? That was going to be a magic trick in my mind! How do I get back from the ocean without getting sand on my feet? I tried water shoes. They just filled up with sand. So, suddenly going to the beach didn’t seem as fun as it used to be. Then also I had to wear a big hat to protect my head from the sun and use MUCH 50-100 SPF lotion because of the medicines I was on. I’ve always been dark complected and was pretty loose with SPF anything. I know, now, that was dumb,  but I never ever burnt until AFTER my transplant because I apparently didn’t put ENOUGH lotion on! Guess now I am also sympathetic to someone who gets burnt. I never felt that before! So that was a big change for me. My skin changed completely. Sounds like a silly little problem, but it was just frustrating to me, at a time when every little frustration became huge. So, I started to wonder if going on a trip was even worth it. Suddenly I went from so excited to complete panic mode. I almost didn't go. But, finally,  I mustered up enough courage to get things ready and leave Then God worked his miracles. We had booked this place a year in advance and it had a salt water pool. I had no idea at the time that we booked the house, that would be the only kind of pool I would be allowed to be in. So I did get to be in the pool with the kids. Which really helped. I also figured out if I wore my leather tennis shoes on the beach and into the ocean, not much sand got in them. And I could just wash my feet and my shoes as soon as I could. So I went in the ocean with the kids a couple times. I used to LOVE to go in the ocean and jump the waves. And I got to do that. I got to sit close to the water with the grandkids and laugh so hard when the ocean waves would come crashing at us. We would all scream, then wipe our faces and just laugh. I was able to walk the beach with them looking for shells. I just had to use lots of lotion and a big hat, which I almost lost from the wind many times. My oldest granddaughter, Riley and I had matching hats. She would wear it sometimes to make me feel better. However,  I was still paranoid about my eating and the cleanliness of everything! I have never been a germ freak. So this feeling was all foreign to me. Once again I learned another group of people to be understanding of. Those who can’t touch things for fear of germs. Never in a million years did I think that would be me!! But it was, at least for a few years. I’m much better now. But I have true empathy for those who have this very real feeling they just can’t shake. Another lesson God taught me through all of this. Be patient with those people who have very real fears. Overall,  I had a really amazing, blessing filled week. And I am so glad I got enough courage to go. But it was also a learning, humbling experience. I can honestly say God walked every step of it with me, as He always does. So what this experience showed me, was that sometimes I can find the courage to do things that may be scary, knowing God will walk with me and do His miracles! He is a true God of miracles... Him wanting us in His life is a miracle in itself. The creator of the universe wants to walk with ME! Wow! That was the best lesson I ever learned!  To God be the glory!!

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